Bass Pro Shops

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Featured Project:

glass stairs at bass pro shop


Our customers were creating their new corporate headquarters in Missouri and they wanted an underwater scene in the atrium entrance area. They planned to have water themed scenery and a full sized bass boat in the space and needed a glass start tread product for employees and visitors to reach the top floor. They came to TCG asking for glass stairs that could be edge lit to appear blue like water. All of the panels were cut to provided shapes and the edges were all monolithically polished to provide the nicest and cleanest glass stair product available in the industry. 

We are very proud to have our glass stairs, treads, and landings on this project. 

lighted glass stairs at bass pro shops

Glass  Safety Specifications:

At TCG Glass, we test our glass flooring products more than any other architectural glass manufacturer and we exceed the most stringent requirements in the world!

Anti-Slip Glass

The TCG GlassFrit™ anti-slip surface walking glass flooring surface exceeds international slip resistance requirements:

    •    SA HB 198:2014 (Australian)

    •    British Specification 7976-2

Strength and Durability 

Our glass flooring panels are all laminated and manufactured to meet/exceed the following standards:

  • ASTM C1048, standard specification for heat-treated glass-kind HS, kind FT coated and uncoated.
  • ASTM C1172-91, standard application for laminated architectural flat glass.
  • ASTM C1036, Type 1-transparent, quality Q3-glazing select quality
  • ASCE Tab 4.1 and IBC, Table 1607.1
  • ASTM 2751-11, Standard Practice for the Design and Performance of Supported Glass Walkways.
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